Luxman L-590AX


Can someone please explain how this AMP sounds? I have never heard it, but some people says this amp has an analog and warm tube sound. Is this correct?
Is this amp great if I play many bad recordings and hard rock music? Many amps are too clinical, harsh, "hifi-correct" to my taste.

If anyone have heard L-590AX compared to f.example McIntosh MA7000 or MA8000, I would be glad to hear the difference in the sound. Is the sound very different?


Showing 2 responses by ryder

Old thread but it is nice to read all the responses here about the Luxman L-590AXII. I share the same observation about this amp and posted my impressions on similar threads here. After more than 20 years trying more than a dozen amps which include few pre/power combinations, this
Luxman integrated is here to stay. Stunning amp at its price point. It’s just a wonderful sound. No more chasing the holy grail in the equipment as the focus is solely on the music now.

My local dealer advised that the L-590AXII is a lot better than the original 590AX mk1.