Luxman dealers

I am interested in a Luxman integrated amp. Obviously dealing online is peferable given current situations. Who are some of the Luxman dealers in the East Coast? Actually it doesn't matter which coast, as long as reliable dealership.

Showing 2 responses by riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook

BEK Hi-fi in Pennsy.  Great guys to work with (Erik/Barry...Son/Father). I recently did a Trade-IN with them towards a Line Magnetic 845 Premium Amp.  They drove all the way to my house which is over 1 hour away to pick up the speakers and they ended up staying for at least 2.5 Hours just shooting the breeze about gear etc.  They have a tremendous Lineup..especially speakers for the Lux.  Harbeth, Proac, Spendor, Tannoy, Triangle, Dynaudio,Quad. About as close to 1 stop shopping as I need. You cant go wrong.