Lumin U2 Mini

I was hoping to get user feedback on the Lumin U2 Mini. I currently have a Vault 2i and have really enjoyed it. The Lumin looks appealing to me for several reasons . I was hoping to find a server that would allow me to pull my Vault files through the network but it seems Bluesound is a closed ecosystem and doesn’t support UPnP . That said I noticed the Lumin has digital inputs . This would allow me to use anything in the Vault through the Lumin and my DAC 

I was also wondering how the Lumin app works compared to BluOS. Thanks !


Showing 4 responses by ozzy62

I’d have to give the nod to the bluos app over the Lumin, but only slightly. Then again, the app was the best thing about the Node I owned. SQ goes to the Lumin for sure.

A lot of people come here asking about streamer sound quality because there are many here who say streamer = streamer.  So to some it is indeed a revelation. Yes, even the cheapest Lumin is much more expensive than the Node. But to me it was worth the $$. And the bluos app, while slightly better, doesn’t “spank” the Lumin app. 

So I will repeat this “monotonously”, you pays your money and you takes your choice. My choice was the Lumin, price disparity notwithstanding.

Agree @woots 

The SQ of streaming from the internet is quickly approaching CDs or local files. And in my system, streaming local files has always beat out the sound of a CD from a transport into the same DAC.