Lumin U2 Mini

I was hoping to get user feedback on the Lumin U2 Mini. I currently have a Vault 2i and have really enjoyed it. The Lumin looks appealing to me for several reasons . I was hoping to find a server that would allow me to pull my Vault files through the network but it seems Bluesound is a closed ecosystem and doesn’t support UPnP . That said I noticed the Lumin has digital inputs . This would allow me to use anything in the Vault through the Lumin and my DAC 

I was also wondering how the Lumin app works compared to BluOS. Thanks !


Showing 1 response by hickamore

OP, I tried the Lumin U2 Mini for a while but found the app difficult to use. Switched to the most affordable Aurender (N100) and never looked back. App is more user-friendly and sound quality superior in most ways. I've yet to hear of an Aurender user who disliked it, whether top, bottom, or middle of the line. My guess is if you're upgrading, start with Aurender since you will almost certainly end up there.