Lumin D2 - Late the Table

I'm a hard core old school guy just coming around to digital and am in need of some advice.  I'd like to get into streaming and am looking at the Lumin D2.  As the unit stands you must have a hard wired connection to the internet for it to work.  I've read that there are work arounds to enable the D2 to connect to a WiFi network.  Is this true, and if so how is it done?  I have no stand alone DAC so I would be connecting the D2 to my ARC LS 27 preamp.  Aside from my stand alone CD player (Ayre C5MPxe), this will be my first venture into digital.  From a plug and play perspective the BlueSound 2i maybe a better fit but given the rest of my system (ARC 150 monos feeding Wilson WP 6) I'd like to start higher up the fidelity ladder.
if you are not planning to stream anything more than redbook, an old Apple Airport Express will do nicely to connect Wifi via the ethernet out
The Apple Express (802.11b) is not as reliable for music transport versus something that can support 802.11g/n/ac.
Thanks to all who have shared their time and insights.  I have decided to move forward with the D2.  It sits right at my budget and should be a good introduction to streaming.  I’ll follow up on the extender to see if I can get WiFi to the D2.  If all else fails I can always run an Ethernet cable from my modem.  I look forward to finally sitting at the digital table to feed my habit.