LTA Ultralinear vs SET amps

Linear Tube Audio has compared its amps to SET amps, saying they have all the benefits while also adding thumping dynamics, which is exactly what I am looking for. Yet combing through all the reviews and testimonials, I have trouble finding anybody who has specifically compared their amps directly to an SET, be it a 300B, a 2A3, or an 845, 45, etc. Is there anybody who has done exactly this and give some impressions? I currently have 300B monoblocks and love everything about them -- the big, magical, lifelike soundstage, the air, the detail, etc.. -- except for the slightly anemic dynamics and lack of that toe-tapping factor to really suck me into the music. Is there somebody who can enlighten me as to whether the Ultralinear Integrated might be just what the doctor ordered with my 99dB speakers, or not?

Showing 3 responses by mglik

I have owned two Berning amps. Have recently replaced my Berning MicroZOTL with a Bakoon HP-1. LTA makes its version of the MZ and licensed the ZOTL circuit for all their amps.
A SET is much richer than an LTA. The latter may have more detail and punch but a SET is a very different animal. 
The Atma-Sphere OTL are special. I lived and loved SET sound for decades. I got Atma M-60s on trial. After 5 minutes, I knew that I was done with 300B and 45s forever. The M-60s were as magical and musical combined with detail like a great SS amp.