ls FM radio even listenable any more?

Sam here and fm radio for me has been unlistenable since maybe 1995 

l found an independent radio station out of toronto canada that plays 24/7 1st press commercial free vinyl and the sound is outstanding vinyl voyage radio  monday is 24 hours of 80's
What timing!  I just bought a Magnum Dynalab tuner (MD-90) and have rediscovered FM broadcast radio!  I listen to classical and rock and have been looking for jazz, but everything sounds gorgeously analogue.  Great way to relax after working all day!
For people who love jazz I recommend KCSM-FM 91.1 in San Mateo, CA, may be one of the only remaining fully curated 24 hour jazz stations in the country.
FM radio via "The Current" from Minnesota Public Radio is excellent for alternative/new- release rock.  Their other FM music station includes live programing of well recorded and live classical music.  (These can also be accessed via internet radio.)  I listen in my home office via a Magnum Dynalab 105 modified tuner into PrimaLuna preamp. Depending upon the recording broadcast, both can sound excellent nothwithstanding multiplex stereo signals.
If you were around in the lat 60s, living near DC, there was a station that still today dwells in the hearts and minds of listeners.

WHFS-DC area....
Prices for tuners have gone the same way as people buying dvd's.That should tell you something.I only listen to sports radio because I would rather control what I listen to, than depend on some disc jockey (do they still call them that?).