Low power tube amp for Sonus Faber?

I'm thinking of buying an Italian tube integrated Mastersound 845 compact for my SF Elipsa SE. 
It uses 2 845 Valves, single ended at 30W per Channel. Would really like to try a valve amp on the Elipsa. Is this a mistake? Has anyone tried this? I've listened to Mastersound pf100 which are 120W mono blocks and I was blown away. Unfortunately the price difference is nearly ten fold. Has anyone tried using a low power valve amp with SF? 
Call Upscale Audio and talk to Kevin Deal as I think they sell Sonus Faber and tube amps. 
"Would really like to try a valve amp on the Elipsa. Is this a mistake?"

Why ask the question if you're not willing to accept the answer?

I borrowed a Cronus Magnum 2 from Rogue Audio and hooked it up to Sonus Faber Venere 2.5. I didn't like it as much as the solid state Arcam amp I have been and still are using. The clarity of the high and mid-range music was less and the bass power and clarity less with the tube amp. The Sonus Fabers are such a rich, warm speaker I'm not sure that they benefit from the overtones of a tube amp, at least mine, in my room did not. So, I didn't spend the money, and am using this old amp which truthfully makes these speakers sound better than anything I ever thought I would be able to afford to have in my house.
Thanks everyone for input. It seems the majority here agrees 30w is not ideal. So if that’s the case I might be able to get mastersound 845 evolution. It’s 55w per channel. Would this be better or I shouldn’t bother at all under 100w? 
The problem is that you can’t just go with arbitrary power/watt numbers to decide, it isn’t that simple. Two amplifiers can have identical watts and yet be in some cases vastly different in performance and drive capability. This is what Garcia was alluding to in an earlier post.

I’d strongly suspect the 55 watt Mastersound has beefier transformers and power supply which would be an advantage. In your smaller room environment and listening levels and preferred music fare it’s possible the 30 watt amplifier could be quite adequate. It just depends on the variables involved. I’ll ask again, is there the opportunity for a home audition?

If the 55 watt Mastersound is within your budget certainly it’d be the safer choice. 