Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 17 responses by tomic601

Snow, the heavy sound absorbing deep stuff is a chance to baseline your listening rooms noise floor, that is if ya have an spl meter or RTA,

shut off go juice at main panel before

most people think clean power happens at night when it’s just better S/N

and audiogon has enough posters that one ( at least ) is a science denier, AR-15 toting, China Hoax, Qanon idiot claiming Jesus sent him a nano particle fabric stain remover... ignore them or laugh at em... Mother Teresa is among us as well 
I wonder IF they have a white hot stamper of the lousy music from the 2017 inaugural? You know the one where top talent appeared in droves.....
Ya, there should be a way to ban those who criticize those with autism  - just ignore him but ask his sponsors IF they hold those same views and get the answers in writing...

synergistic and perfect path how about you go first ?
As a man and child of science you know Geoff that the normal distribution allows a few whack jobs into the pool....
My instance of google works perfectly, when I type child actor a photo of reality tv actor Dumpsterfire appears...
Looks like nobody has an spl meter or RTA and has established a scientific baseline 

maybe DDT is the cure for black lung ?....or windmill cancer

the surf is in one acoustic baseline for me and Jets and ocean freighter wakes crashing on the bulkhead

I want to see the faces of the fake white Christians turned away at the gate by... Black Peter
The Rhodes book is of course  wonderful, appreciate the other references. With just one peer reviewed publication, I am a nobody also. I do wonder IF assuming the mind is a Quantum device, has anybody tried making a hat out of Perfect Path sheets ! Tin Foil is so lower echelon genius...
It would be funny to see how many hot stampers there are of artists who played at the Dumpsterfire inaugural....

is suppose Great White Buffalo by Ted Nugent might provide an ironic twist....
** Can’t run a charitable foundation because he stole from charity 

* to the n where n is a big number, let’s say more than one logic class, but does approximate the 16,000 lies Dotard has so far told in three years

he did after all say “ grab em by the carbon “... oh wait, he did say something different...
And for those on the thread wishing for dear old Ohio ( known as Ahia with ignorant pride in rust belt Nerk ), please do remember the dear capitalists managed to get the mighty Cuyahoga river to burn, ... twice....

ya, we need the Neo Republiklan to modernize the EPA

of course, Randy Newman memorialized this in a song, I don’t think he played at the inaugural.....
I am I am betting you can see Hanitys tonsils on that big screen of yours...
Deplorables, the coalition of deplorables made it happen with a big nudge from Vladimir

i have yet to meet a Dumpsterfire supporter who would let wife and daughter stay overnight at Trump Tower top floor... but hey, let’s give em Nukes...

grab em by the Beatitudes.... oh that’s right, he didn’t say that did he
And the hangers on keep going to jail

but Charlie please do explain away all his associates in the slammer and more headed that way.....

iF you were first in your logic class, I suspect y’all should be seeking a refund 
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