Lots of detail, great imaging, not much bass?

Since my o.p. didn't go through, here's the short version...

Looking at possibly buying a pair of great imaging, loads of detail, low bass (as not to bother neighbors) speaker.

Budget $700-?

Front end is Classe Ca-150, lightspeed attenuator, parasound z dac blah blah blah.

Musical tastes: rock, house music, jazz, female vocals...

Want great imaging, detail and bass I can hear, jusy not bass the neighbors can hear!

Suggestions? Totems? Silverline minuets? I'd prefer to buy used since I'm looking for lots of bang for the buck!

Mucho Gracias!
I think a perfect pair would be a used set of Silverline Preludes. Superb bass but won't bother your neighbors as it is tight but not ultra deep, excellent imaging and beautiful with female vocals, and can be found in your price range.
Hi B_limo,
As Milpai implied, you'll first have to work to getting good gain from your system
(generally, avoid passives) - this will enable your system to open up/come to live
better with just minimal volume.

Then, look for well balanced speakers/monitors that will play nice and full at lower
levels - usually good efficiency ones.

Hence this way, you can do away from disturbing neighbors without sacrificing much
from enjoying full range sound.

From original post (as perceived from your request), you'll likely be getting many
recommendations of speakers with tendency to be tilted upwards having limited bass
~ you might want to avoid this. Good luck!

Let get this straight --

You DO NOT want a lot of bass.

You DO want detail and imaging.

With a budget of $700 for used, I would recommend you listen to some smaller Proacs, maybe some of the Tablettes and if you can find a 1SC (great speaker) near your price level.
My goodness, B. If you want those really low bass notes, you have to have the right set up! My 800wpch. monos hit the spot. I have a neighbor who's a real a-hole too:)
Thanks sandstone! That was actually another pair that I've heard about here and was considering also.

Thanks for the input Milpai, but I think you might of misunderstood my question; I'm looking for a pair of speakers that image well and have good detail but have low levels of bass, as bass is what is going to travel through walls and bother neighbors. Sorry if my question is confusing!
You might want to check if you have enough gain in the system because of a passive volume control. The next speakers that you get should have a sensitivity rating of at least 90+db.
I faced this issue when I introduced the Promitheus TVC in the system. But as soon as I changed the connection between the TVC and the amp to XLR, things fell into place. Enough bass to shake the entire house! The reason was the amp now sees, for example, 0.8V instead of 0.4V, since there are 2 legs (+/-) in the XRL connection. So I am getting a nice gain at lower settings of the TVC. In your case you simply cannot do this, since you have no XLR at the attenuator output.