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We talk about fixing the room constantly but couldn't the size and shape of the speakers be the problem?

I realize it is not economically feasible for manufacturers, but this could possibly relate to dyi folks.

For example a long narrow room with low ceilings would have speakers proportionate to the dimensions of the room. Smaller tweeters, drivers, with an enclosure mimicking the room. You would design the speakers to fit the room, instead of fixing the room. Start with the room as a extra enclosure.  Make sense?


Showing 3 responses by baylinor

Definitely no significant other problem in my listening room. She doesn't even have the keys to it 🙂

Life has never been better since I built this house of stereo. Man cave all the way. BIG speakers and room treatment galore. Southern comfort by Crusaders gave me goose pumps last evening. 

Funny remark by 2psyop.

In real life I have always had a stone cold sense of humor. Many never know if I am serious or not. It can get uncomfortable lol. I guess it carries over to blogging. Loved  the foie gras analogy from twoleftears!