I have the Parasound A21 and absolutely like what I am hearing. Your amplifier seems a bit older. Hence I feel the upgrade to Parasound will feel like quite a big upgrade, especially if you are going to drive the Wilson’s. You might be able to find a used A21+ in your budget.
Looking to upgrade Adcom GFA555: Parasound?
This is my third system. Honestly, usually used for semi-active or background music.
Speakers are vintage Wilson Watt/Puppy 7. Source is an Eversolo dac/streamer Into a vintage Classe DR5 preamp. Amp currently is the aforementioned Adcom: bought it new while in college 40 years ago! The sound is pretty good, though a bit “small” and closed in.
Considering replacing the amp with a Parasound A21+. Thoughts? Am I wasting my time?
Target cost to upgrade this rig: less than $5K.