Looking to introduce some tube magic to my system

Hi guys 
I have never owned a tube component, but looking to remedy this situation...
My system consists of a PC running Roon core > PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell Dac >  PS Audio Stellar M700 Monoblock Amplifiers > GoldenEar Triton One speakers.
Right now the Gain Cell Dac is functioning as a dac and as a preamp. I was thinking of adding a PrimaLuna Evo 400 Preamplifier between the dac and monoblocks.
Do you think it's a good idea? Could the PrimaLuna add "tube magic" when it is sandwiched between two solid-state components? Will there be a noticeable difference?
Another option I thought of is replacing the monoblocs with a Line Magnetic integrated amp, maybe a LM 805 IA. 
What is your thoughts? Sadly, an in home audition is not available where I live.
I mostly listen to acoustic music: Jazz, Folk, Country, Funk, Soul...
Looking to hear your thoughts 


Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

I often see the notion of inserting a tubed component into a system broached in terms of "adding" tube magic. I believe Ralph Karsten (Atma-Sphere) and other great tube electronics designers would make the argument that the "magic" of tubes is what they DON’T add to the sound of a system.

I use tubed electronics for the transparent, grain-free, dynamic, rhythmically-responsive, organic-timbre reproduction of the sound of voices and instruments the best of them provide, not for some tube coloration to be added to the sound of my system. Hi-fi electronics, tube and solid state, should "editorialize" as little as possible, not add a sound of their own to a recording or system. The objective is for them to have NO sound of their own. If tubes have a "magic" quality to them, it is in their ability to come closer to doing that than does solid state.

^^^^ THIS! ^^^^

One of the great propaganda coups of all time is the way transistors that measure good but sound bad were flipped around and heralded as neutral while tubes that sound great are denigrated just because they measure bad. What a crock. As if euphonic, literally "sounds good", is actually bad. Crazy! Anyone with two ears can hear what bdp24 describes above. Well, anyone with two ears and no axe to grind. In other words, normal folk. Audiophiles, well let’s just say there’s a reason the word audiophool isn’t going anywhere any time soon.
I'd go to a Prima Luna integrated. It'll make a bigger difference, for less money (especially after selling the mono-blocks), and eliminate the need for a couple interconnects. Less money, better sound, what's not to love?

Oh and yes the Prima Luna will easily drive your speakers. Probably even with greater bass extension, authority and definition than you have now.