Looking to get into tubes on the cheap

My current set-up is Tekton Design Electrons with an Hsu VT-15H subwoofer and a Denon AVR-2200w receiver.  I am interested in entering the tube world. I have always run SS/receiver to listen to music so I am a total rookie with tubes. Here is what I would like to have. I use my system for 2.0 and 2.1 music, HT 5.1 going to 5.1.4, and basic TV viewing. I would like to keep my receiver in the chain and add tubes and somehow have some kind of switching. Would like to be able to listen to 2.1 and then push something on my Harmony remote to switch between music and HT set-up without having to touch wires. Read many different thread as well as this one. I am not wanting to spend thousands to achieve this but I also want it to sound better than my current SS sound on a 2.1 set-up. Seen the various posts and opinions on tubed preamp vs amp and still after reading all that don't know which one is more beneficial. Looked at Aric's Ultimate but that is more than I am wanting to spend. Looked at Monoprices 50wpc hybrid tubed preamp and ss amp combo. Not sure I want my tubed stuff to come from the place I get me cables but it seems to get good reviews from people who have purchased and it is $170. Also looked at Gemtune X-1 integrated tube amp and Nobsound MS-10D hybrid tube amp.  Can I get some guidance on this? Ultimately I am just wanting to improve my 2.1 listening experience.  
Just connect the resistor to the tube amp speaker output + and - terminals.
Most of the tube amp need to has a load on output when it is ON, So add a 150ohm 10W resistor across each the tube amp outputs is a good " insurance "
Just connect the resistor to the tube amp speaker output + and - terminals.
Ho, great, thanks for the pic @imhififan 
Are those resistors welded or just screed on the RCA plug?
You can't get tubes on the cheap.  They are inherently more expensive.  Unless you can pay the way, go solid state....better bang for the buck on sanely priced equipment.
not true - you can easily build a tube pre or amp for $100

Nelson Pass will give you designs too - tho a very high SQ amp will cost more