Looking for wider soundstage

My system consists of:

parasound a21+ amp for LF

rogue st 100 dark for HF

Aurender  n10

schiit Yggy dac

don sachs 2 preamp

legacy signature se speakers 

Looking for wider soundstage  room is not treated but it’s not bad and I have moved speakers around  Thanks for any advice  I have believed my amps could be better but not sure  thanks in advance 



Showing 1 response by twoleftears

So you have your 2-channel music system and your HT system shoehorned into the same room?

As others will have observed, the speakers are too close together, the left speaker is too close to the sofa, and both speakers are too close to the wall behind them.

Your room seems to be pretty large; what's happening at the other end that is not shown in the pics?

A complete reorganization of components and furniture is the first step, even before you start experimenting with room treatments.