Looking for RCA cables from preamp to amp?

Although I want some good cables for this purpose I don't need to spend $$$$ on each one. I need seven total cables. 

Preamp: Marantz AV10

Amps: NAD M23 and NAD M28


Showing 1 response by vthokie83


Since you didn't give a budget, I'll take a stab in the dark. Zavfino Arcadia are OCC copper ($188 1.5 meter pair), or the Fusion OCC copper and silver cable ($357 per 1.5 meter pair). I have both as entry level cables, and they are excellent performance per dollar. Zavfino use OCC copper, use high quality and Cryo treat the connectors, and are just plain well made with really good geometry. They'd be excellent cables with your setup I think