Looking for my End Game Speaker

I'm looking for my end game speakers.  My system currently consists a digital streaming front end with the Mola mola Tambaqui DAC and Grimm MU1 streamer along with Magico A3 speakers.  For amplification, I recently acquired on the used market, the Audionet Humboldt.  

I live in a small 960 sq ft condo in a highrise.  My system is in the great room (living, dining, and kitchen all in one).  Given the room configuration, my speakers have to be located close to a side wall (unless I radically change the room and block my balcony doors with my stereo).  Room dimensions are 12' x 16' (not including kitchen).   

The following speakers are on my list to auditon:

Marten Parker Trio,  Acora (SRB, SRC1, SRC2), Magico S3 - 2023, Magico M2, Joseph Audio, Franco Serblin, Rockport, Vivid Audio Giya G4, 

I have already heard the Acora SRC1 and thought they were amazing, however, perhaps a bit  bass shy.  

Given my room constraints, I'm concentrating more on the models that have a sealed box design.  Given that, I am very interested in the Magico M2 and S3 - 2023.  Has anyone heard these two models?  A used M2 would cost about the same as a new S3.  How do these two models compared?  Which would you choose?  

Can anyone recommend any other sealed box design speakers.....or any speakers that would fit into a relatively small room (close to the walls)?  I should also note that I would like a speaker that performs well with lower listening volumes....

I have booked my ticket to AXPONA 2025, so I'm making a list of speakers that I should audition.



I went through the same process while retiring. I ended up with JA Perspectives.  Part of my decision was size look and sound.  What I’ve found is I can’t afford the supporting equipment to truly understand how good these speakers are.  This is a really good attribute from my perspective.  Four years later I believe I own my end game system.  Having the Perspectives has allowed me to compare and contrast Amps, DACs, Pre’s, cables, tubes, etc.  Just my experience in my room.  You really can’t make a bad choice, trust your ears and demo as much as you can.  You will know when you know.  Good luck!  It’s a fun journey and enjoy retirement.  It is way underrated!

OP when you attend axpona , Scott Walker audio do have magico set up on the ground floor. They know how to make the magico sing.

I bid on a pair of vivid Giya b1 spirits including my Blades and some cash and when the dealer told me we were close I did a deep dive into the speakers to decide how much more to offer. I found a couple threads that scared me off. Several posters repeating service issues while suggesting the in house drivers that sound so good may not be as bulletproof as what could be expected at the retail price. I’ve got no experience with vivid and have read posts slamming my own speakers functional quality, so I take it all with a grain of salt, but I just realized how important brand familiarity i to me when buying used.

Your budget and sound tastes require you to audition speakers with your system (especially amps).  Von Schweikert is coming out with a new speaker besides their Endeavor which is probably in your price range (80% of the VS high end sound).  Also, the Acora SRC2 in a lesser cost stone frame I've heard had tremendous bass for 2 7" woofers.  Great design and execution. 

These are ALL great speakers listed here.......But one company seems to have the "speaker World" by the balls.....Borresen.