Looking for Linear Power Supply for my Mytek Brooklyn DAC. Suggestions?

I am aware of the SBooster at 400 dollars. Any recommendations?
The best one I know of is from Mojo Audio they were the first one
to make a great one years ago , I have done mods for a long timeĀ 
mojo uses Top quality parts in fact much better quality in dacs as well as LPS Any voltage you need and a 5 yearwarranty.
i have tried several the mojo is over $1k but fantastic sonics and build quality.
Teddy Pardo who does wonders with Naim stuff has a full line of LPS.
I am waiting for one for my Lumin U1 mini and I am sure he can suggest one for the Mytek.
Teddy Pardo on my NAIM server, awesome!

get all those switching wall warts isolated and off your dedicated audio power lines :-)
So far, I have tried Keces p8, Teddy Pardo, SotM, HD Plex and Sbooster. So far, the Farad3 by far is the best. Look for a good power cable.