Looking for dedicated power line advice.

I've read just about everything I can find on running dedicated power lines. I met with a good electrician and he is going to run a dedicated line from the main panel to a 6 breaker subpanel with 6 20amp lines to my system. I have lots of questions. Here are a few:
(1) Should all 6 outputs be in the same phase? I've read conflicting opinions. In one of Jonathan Scull's Stereophile "Fine Tunes" columns he suggests that the AC output to a pair of monoblocks should be out of phase. This way noise will cancel out.

(2) Is it worth it to use Wattgate outlets ($150/ea) and will there be audible differences from Hubbel or Marinco or Leviton which would be MUCH cheaper?

(3) Is it worth it to use JPS Labs in-wall cable at $18/ft? Would Virtual Dynamics cable at $6/ft sound as good?? What about much cheaper Romex??

I figure I'm only going to do this once......but I hate dropping a ton of cash unless there is going to be an audible difference.

Thanks for the help!!!

Showing 2 responses by peterd

I agree with Lak on the first two points. But reservations though on the 'Virtual Dynamics' Wire.
Did a direct a/b with top quality BX wire and the difference is huge.VD wire was very artificial sounding which is kinda weird since I use a VD Nite, VD Signature and a Audition in my system.Go figure.
Suggestion !. Go to a good industrial supplier, not frigging Home Depot cause they sell the cheapest junk of anyone who will supply it cheapest to them.
Okay then ,Strip off a couple of feet of the 10 guage, 3 wire BX and check it out for discolorations in the copper and the smoothness of the copper. If it is clean and smooth ,no wrinkles, then buy it and you'll be happy.
I learned after trying about 6 kinds /types of wires.
Also check and secure the grounds,in a clean location as far away from any other ground wires.
Well they came across very bright and bodyless.
Ran the wire in for two weeks with two 90watt tube
amps with a PS Audio port . A/B'd with also ran in normal top quality BX,10 guage also.
Absolutely no comparison.
The VD wire was too bright, with no flow to the music at all,attenuated the 'tick- n- pop ' twins really bad.
Found that the same thing happened with my Sim Audio w-5 gear as well.
While it is cheap to buy you can give it a go,but IMHO,
the power cables are great but the in-house wiring does not work.
Peter D .