Looking for dedicated power line advice.

I've read just about everything I can find on running dedicated power lines. I met with a good electrician and he is going to run a dedicated line from the main panel to a 6 breaker subpanel with 6 20amp lines to my system. I have lots of questions. Here are a few:
(1) Should all 6 outputs be in the same phase? I've read conflicting opinions. In one of Jonathan Scull's Stereophile "Fine Tunes" columns he suggests that the AC output to a pair of monoblocks should be out of phase. This way noise will cancel out.

(2) Is it worth it to use Wattgate outlets ($150/ea) and will there be audible differences from Hubbel or Marinco or Leviton which would be MUCH cheaper?

(3) Is it worth it to use JPS Labs in-wall cable at $18/ft? Would Virtual Dynamics cable at $6/ft sound as good?? What about much cheaper Romex??

I figure I'm only going to do this once......but I hate dropping a ton of cash unless there is going to be an audible difference.

Thanks for the help!!!

Showing 1 response by lak

1) All 6 outputs should be in the same phase. Have the electrician make sure the phases are balanced and use the phase with the least number of noisemakers on it, or rearrange the phases to be as quiet as possible.

2) Porter Ports are my favorite, read my review.

3)JPS- in my opinion no, Virtual Dynamics cable at $6/ft is good. Romex 10 gauge sounds good too, I hear no difference.
I have posted a lot about this, search my user name.

Best regards...