looking for bookshelves - Another usual boring speaker discussion

i am looking for bookshelf speakers to pair with hegel H400 in my condo. i have Wilson watt puppies in my house and absolutely love the sound of the WPs 50th anniversary.. WPs are paired with d'agostino momentum C2 and progression s350.

i will be placing them on a granite shelf near a wall. sort of a klitchen counter.

i listened to SF Amators and BW 805d4, both somewhat laid back, SF Amators i did not like at all. too warm, bass lower mids were overpowering the treble. Also listened to wilson tune tot- lows are an issue. with the 5.75in woofer.

i am now seriously considering the focal sopra 1. i have not auditioned them yet but will do in next week or 2. i know one can't get a full picture from youtube but i have been listening with headphones to several youtube pistes where they do A-B or even A-B-C.

i find the focals and wilsons sound similar. Wilson's have a bit more clarity in the upper mids but overall similar, so i think i will like them. 

Would appreciate suggestions and any more recommendations form the experienced audiophiles herewith vast knowledge base.

thank you



I would try something totally different than the Wilson’s to give you some variety - have you thought about a British sound? Perhaps the small Harbeths or splendors? These go great with Hegel. Very different sound than what you have now. 

thank you

I don't want to go to the harbeths now. I have had harbeths, shl5 and p3es from 2000-2010. then settles on tannoys. Kensington SE that i loved. Then went to Kensington GR. Then downsizing happened, i will be selling or trading my tannoys for this purchase.

I just got a set of Dali Menuet SEs for a desktop system I am putting together. Great sound and great fit and finish. Love the small form factor. 

I have heard about Dalis, will try to listen to them. PS audio lager speakers i heard at the audio show couple of months back, they were ok, maybe the bookshelves will be better. will try.

I am in the same boat. About to order the Cabasse Muranos. Have never heard them so will be taking a flyer, but from all the research I've done it seems like it could be the perfect speaker for me and my setup. They may be what you are looking for as well.