Given the speakers will only be about 12” from the wall I’d avoid rear-ported speakers. The Usher Mini-X is front ported, uses their best diamond tweeter also used in their $40k flagship speakers, are extremely well built and look gorgeous, and at $3500/pr. are an outrageous value and could save you thousands. This seller offers a 30-day return policy so relatively low risk to try at home, which in your specific use case is a huge positive. Just another option, and best of luck.
looking for bookshelves - Another usual boring speaker discussion
i am looking for bookshelf speakers to pair with hegel H400 in my condo. i have Wilson watt puppies in my house and absolutely love the sound of the WPs 50th anniversary.. WPs are paired with d'agostino momentum C2 and progression s350.
i will be placing them on a granite shelf near a wall. sort of a klitchen counter.
i listened to SF Amators and BW 805d4, both somewhat laid back, SF Amators i did not like at all. too warm, bass lower mids were overpowering the treble. Also listened to wilson tune tot- lows are an issue. with the 5.75in woofer.
i am now seriously considering the focal sopra 1. i have not auditioned them yet but will do in next week or 2. i know one can't get a full picture from youtube but i have been listening with headphones to several youtube pistes where they do A-B or even A-B-C.
i find the focals and wilsons sound similar. Wilson's have a bit more clarity in the upper mids but overall similar, so i think i will like them.
Would appreciate suggestions and any more recommendations form the experienced audiophiles herewith vast knowledge base.
thank you