Looking for Blues with High Fidelity

I recently listened to Eric Clapton’s “Me and Mr. Johnson” and really appreciated the guitar playing and the quality of the recording.  What are some of your favorite Blues recordings?


This is off the cuff but Blues is a very wide genre. Many good artists are often regional. Many also are more popular in Europe Like Luther Allison, et al. And their music is not as easily found. But they are very rewarding. These are albums I have and can recommend

Layla Zoe - Breaking Free

Keb Mo - Slow Down & Just Like You

Keb Mo & Taj Mahal - TajMo(?)

Collins, Cray * Copeland - Showdown

James Cotton - Live From Chicago Mr Superharp Himself

Big Twist - Live from Chicago

Jimmy Smith - Dot Com Blues

Toronzo Cannon - Pain Around Me & Politician Preacher or Pimp

Albert King - Cold Snap

Some names of interest

Shemeka Copeland

Joe Bonamassa & Beth Hart

Gary Moore

Samantha Fish

Charlie Musselwhite

Tommy Castro

Roomful Of Blues

Blues Company: My little angel

Stevie Ray Vaughn: Chitlins with carne & Riviera Paradise

All great songs, and well recorded. Enjoy!

Lots of excellent recommendations from others. I would also add Buddy Guy - Blues Singer and the great falsetto album Skip James - Blues from the Delta to go along with Muddy Water - Folk Singers stand out fidelity. It isn’t technically a blues album, but Van Morrison and John Lee Hooker - The Healing Game has excellent fidelity. There are so many others, but these are a couple that come to mind.

P.S there is often a wide range of fidelity quality on the same Howlin’ Wolf albums. There is an excellent high fidelity recording of Smokestack Lightnin’ on The Millennium Collection 20th Century Masters. The gain the engineer employed is quite low though.

So many great blues albums! I could go on for hours and write a book about it :).