Looking for an usb player

I play external hard drives using Oppo BD105. It sounds best when left on all the time. Afraid that will shorten laser life. What component plays usb, has digital out, wireless remote, and will send video to a tv screen for file navigation. It must be hi res capable to 24-192 or higher. Not even sure what this type of product is called. No computers!




Showing 2 responses by erik_squires


I use Roon, which has phone, and laptop clients.

Several high end streamers are iPad/iPhone but not Android.

So, let me make sure I understand.  You need to put a USB drive into it and play from it?

Well if you had not mentioned HDMI I'd say almost any streamer from any brand would fit the bill.

Then you said no computers, so a Raspberry Pi 4 based solution is also no longer available.