Looking for an integrated amp to replace my Cayin A-50T

I currently have a Cayin A-50T integrated amp, and I recently had one of the EL34s die (due to age--not the amp...). Given the current tube shortage, I had to pay an inflated price for a new quad of tubes, which has caused me to consider a solid state integrated as a back-up initially, and based on the performance, possibly replace the Cayin. My speakers are Reynaud Euterpe Jubile (89dB/4 ohm) and my source is an Oppo 205.


I have no complaints whatsoever with the Cayin--just looking for a back-up and possibly get away from tubes in the future. As such, I am looking for SS integrated that would lean towards the same sonic signature--in the $1000-$2000 range. Since the Oppo has a volume control, I may be open to a power amp--in which case I would be open to an older well regarded model that I could perhaps obtain for a good price...

Regarding the integrated options--I only need a couple of inputs, and do not require a phono stage. Digital inputs are not a requirement, but could prove useful. I have been out of this for a while, so I am just getting back up to speed. If I had to choose today, I would go with a Cambridge CXA-81. The Rogue Sphinx or a Rotel are other options. perhaps a one of the Parasounds or something else I am not aware of?


Thanks in advance for all input/suggestions!





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Did you notice how many posts do not describe the sound quality of their recommendations?

@corelli Exactly.  I'm sure some are just parroting what they have read on the internet.  I recommened an amp I own and described why I though the sound would be a good suggestion. 

My 2 cents: it will be very difficult to get tube-like sound from a SS amp without paying $$$. I had a Cayin CS100a which I sold and I briefly tried SS amplification for the same reasons (no more tubes, less maintenance, etc). After 3 months I sold the SS amp and bought a Qualiton X200. I get the concern about the prices of tubes now, I purchased a Tung-Sol quad KT170 for $450 in December 2021, the price now for a quad KT170 on Viva Tubes is $1,600!

I really hope that the lack of supply will be a temporary situation and that tube prices will go back to normal after the madness of the war is over. Time will tell, I'm just glad that the rest of us are living our lives in safety.

@chipcalzone I hear you...I will more than likely keep the Cayin and use the other one as a spare--So that I am not forced to pay the premium prices,  Who would have thought we would be paying NOS prices for new production??

Even though I don't like the prices, at least Viva has tubes available for sale.  Upscale Audio had to shut down/limit sales to 1 tube per month because of hoarding, and I have not gotten a response from Jim McShane to an inquiry I sent over a month ago.  I was able to get a quad from my fourth choice (The Tubestore) for a relatively sane price...

Thanks for all of the suggestions--especially the ones that were not on my radar! 


I do have a question regarding the internal DAC on some of these--It is not a "must have" at all, but I could foresee a use for it. I am curious as to how the Schiit Ragnarok or even the Vincent would compare to my Oppo 205--given the fact that it is now 5 years old?