looking for an integrated amp in the $1500 range

I need to downsize and will be selling my Aragon 4004 MKII and AVA Fet Valve Hybrid SL Preamplifier with Silver Face Plate and MM Phono.

The rest of system is Burchardt s 400 m1’s, Marantz TT 15s1, Rega M3 MM phono amp, Gustard x16 DAC. Wiim pro streamer. Sounds great mid to high level volume. Lower volume not so much so I want that quality at lower volume if possible. I’m considering Schitt RAGNAROK basic model or Rogue Sphinx 3. Anyone have any thoughts or experience with these or other suggestions. Thanks in advance.


Higher sensitivity speakers. Will make the biggest difference, especially if your looking for a $1500 integrated to fix your problem. Your 400's are rated at 87db, which means they are probably along the lines of 85db. I've never heard your 400's but with those specs I would imagine you need to turn it up a little to hear all the details, dynamics, and bass on the same level. Lower the volume and you are missing a couple quality's of the loudly played music.

If what I'm describing is the issue you are having then I think you should look for higher sensitivity speakers. If what I described is not really a problem for you then spend your money elsewhere. Good luck 


Call underwood Wally , the Audio GD line has very good value ,and Walter 

owns the Peach tree Audio line and May Ave something  close to your budget 

if you can stretch to around $2k  it would be much more feasible and much higher quality parts. You dont want a $20 Alps volume pot it robs resolution .

a relay controlled ,or resistive ladder is much better.

I had a Rogue Sphinx 3 paired with multiple speakers. I loved the hybrid design and thought it sounded quite good. While traveling for work I got a Peachtree Decco integrated. I was amazed at how good low volume sounded. It was a small apartment with low celings unlike my home. I ended up upgrading to the Rogue Cronus Mangnum III. Low volume is a dream but out of tour price range. I would look at the Sphinx and compare with a Peachtree. TMR usually has both used for under $1500. Good luck.

I have had Heresy’s since I was 18, now with my big brothers 74’s rebuilt. Love them, then added Omega crossoverless single drivers, love them more. Listen to alot of low level ambient and to 85db jazz and blues mand more. I have the Omega JR XRS towers, small footprint and beautiful cabinets. Louis has several nice standmounts as well.