Looking for an integrated amp around 4000 to 5000.

I am currently looking to upgrade from a Rogue Pharaoh integrated. I have Ascendo C8 Rennasance speakers 88  DB. 6 ohm. PC to Wyred4sound DAC 2. Looking for some input on others experience. Considering Levinson 585 or Primaluna EVO 400. I need a line out for a sub. Prefer a balanced in but that is not a deal breaker. I welcome all recommendations.
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Showing 2 responses by willgolf

Like Millercarbon, I am a big Raven Audio fan.  Please check out their website and then call Dave Thomson.  He is a wealth of audio information and he has some of the best tubes in the world bar none.  There is also an integrated amp in various price ranges.  I personally owned the Raven Reflection MK2.....simply put - outstanding.  
RIAA - I owned the Raven Reflection MK2.  You should love it.  I ended up putting in KT 150's as my power source and kicked up my wpc to around 63.  I also did a lot of tube swapping which was fun.  If you got 50% off what a deal.  Congrats on your purchase.  It truly is a show piece.