Looking for Alternative Preamp to Blue Circle BC3

I've lived with a Blue Circle BC3 preamp for a while now and I have only good things to say about it. The trouble is, my wife is intimidated by the dual volume controls and after much discussion I've agreed to start exploring alternatives. I want similar performance, my wife wants a single volume control (to her credit, she appreciates the quality of the BC preamp and also wants to maintain this level of standard). What preamps should I be looking into? The Herron preamp and the Ayre preamps appear to be viable options. What else would you recommend? Thanks for your input.
Your thread raises more questions:

What is in the rest of the system?
Tube, ss or hybrid?
Number of needed inputs?
Actual price range?

And, if you like it, why not just send it back to BC and have them retrofit it with the remote volume control?
I have an Aleph 30 amp (class A SS), but I've been considering a hybrid BC amp for some time now. I would need 3 inputs. Price range: similar to the BC3, $3-4000 or thereabouts. I already checked and BC has not done the remote volume control on the BC3 and I'm hesitant to be a trial case.
I also own the BC-3. I would look @ Audio Note maybe the M-2 or M-3. They do not have remote though.
The First Sound Presence Delux was a better sounding preamp than the Herron so do not go there. The CJs make good preamps and are very natural and warmer sounding. The ARC LS-25 MKII bettered my BAT VK-30SE in dynamics.
If you just have the basic BC3 Depina (the one with the standard power supply), you may want to check out Gilbert's new BC-21.1 preamp. The new model uses the same tubes as the BC3, has an upgraded power supply, and can be custom ordered with the same hand-made stepped volume control as the BC3 (a single control).

I heard the new BC-21.1 at CES. It sounded better to me than most under $2K preamps I have ever heard. You may find it equals your BC3 if it is the basic model.

You can also custom order the BC-21.1 with a remote control volume control.

Don't be afraid to ask Gilbert about it. You can say I sent you if you want (can't hurt). He may even be able to do something with your BC3. Who knows until you ask.