I am using a Jico stylus on my Shure V15-4 cartridge. VN45HE SAS/B, it cost less than $300 from LP Gear, received it in less than 5 days and I am on the east coast. It has the carbon brush
Looking for a Replacement for AT VM740ML Cartridge
Thinking of changing out my AT VM740ML Cartridge being I feel it’s a little bright. I like the transparency but would like just a “SLIGHT BIT” more warmth without it deadening the sound, so looking for recommendations.
Previous carts used:
Ortofon Super OM20 which I loved on a previous TT, just not compatible with my tonearm on my current turntable.
Ortofon 2MBlue - Did not last and like the OM20 better
Sumiko Moonstone - Way too dull sounding
Turntable is a EAT B Sharp and Currently using a Gold Note PH-10 Phono PreAmp with the external power supply, and even with it set to -3 dB on all the EQ settings still seems to be on the bright side.
I’d like to stick with MM, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
@richardbrand, I am using a Jico stylus on my Shure V15-4 cartridge. VN45HE SAS/B, it cost less than $300 from LP Gear, received it in less than 5 days and I am on the east coast. It has the carbon brush |
Thanks! My Shure cartridge is the V15 type III. When I priced that Jico stylus it was A$399 plus delivery while the VM540ML complete cartridge was A$409.69 including delivery and a head shell I cannot use. I ordered it on Friday night and it was on my doorstep next morning. Not bad for Amazon and inland Australia! This is probably not helping the OP, though! His VM760ML has 2-db better channel separation and goes to 30-kHz versus 27-kHz which could make it a bit brighter than its lesser (on paper) brother. It seems odd to propose an upgrade to Shure V15 because they have been out of production for yonks, but maybe it does make sense in the context of wanting to stay with moving magnet cartridges? |
VM750SH a fantastic cartridge with no glaring, etchings highs. Great mids and wonderful lows. The Shibata stylus digs deep into the grooves and pulls out things in and on a record that I haven’t heard since the record was new. The VM750SH with the Shibata stylus makes a scratchy album sound new because of it’s deep depth of seating in the groove profile. It digs way deeper than a ML and is hundreds of dollars less without the high end glare of the ML, IMHO. It replaced a vintage Shure V15Vx cartridge with a Shure VN5xMR stylus. Simply no comparison whatsoever on my turntable. I've tried the Jico replacement styli for Shure cartridges but never liked the un-warmness and squeaky highs. |
@tyray I had a Shibata, the VM750SH from AT …kept it for about a week then sold it on EBay taking a loss. I hated it, was way too relaxed for me, lost all my highs. I understand some people love a Shibata Stylus, just wasn’t my cup of tea. |
Yeah, I also think it may also be system dependent on how a cartridge and stylus perform. The AT VM750SH performs/responds well to and on my Technics SL-100C turntable. My preamp is an LTA MICROZOTL MZ3 Headphone Amp / Preamp / Integrated Amp and my amp is a Bill Dion/@grannyring modified Clayton S40. I’m very interested in what you chose. Keep us posted.