Looking for 5AR4 rectifier tube most like solid state

I have the Cary SLP-05 preamp (with the Ultimate Upgrade), which sounds exceedingly good in most respects. Unfortunately, it's sorely lacking in rhythmic excitement (what various British companies call Pace, Rhythm and Timing, or PRaT).

I suspect that the 5AR4 tube rectifier is at least partially to blame. In general, tube rectifiers exhibit "sag". This helps some aspects of the performance, but is likely dulling transients that are needed to create faster dynamics (e.g. percussive envelopes).

Cary has told me that I cannot insert an equivalent solid-state rectifier, as it would require a power supply redesign. Instead, I'm hoping to find a 5AR4 tube that mostly closely behaves like a solid state rectifier. I don't want it to be warm, or smooth, or anything like that. This preamp already has an overabundance of those qualities. Instead, I want it to be fast, dynamic, rhythmic, and exciting, with a real sense of "boogie".

Any suggestions?


Another different take, or perhaps in addition to....have you done much tube rolling with the preamp tubes?  They can be quite different from one to the next.  

@danager +1 on the space tech lab super rectifier, I own one and it makes a profound difference with my preamp. I don't know exactly why it makes such a difference, but it does, if I want it to sound more like solid state I just roll in a couple 3B22 or 3B28 tubes, if I want more tube sound I just use 300b or 2a3.

I have the Cary SLP05 with ultimate upgrade as well but don’t suffer what you are describing. I find that the Raytheon VT231’s in the gain stages gives the best sense of best solidity. To be honest, I have struggled with understanding this rhythm and pace issue outside of turntables. I have had a number of preamps over the years, tubed and solid state, and feel the Cary is not slow in comparison (recently have had Audio Research and Schiit preamps as well).

Encountered this while returning a ham radio to service: Solid State Rectifier - Tube Depot.

According to the website:

This octal based solid state rectifier is a cost effective replacement for any of the following tubes:

5AR4 / GZ34, 5Y3, 5U4G / 5U4GB, 5R4 / 5V4 / 5Z4

Not only is this an inexpensive alternative, but this solid state rectifier will firm up your low end. If you have too much sag in your low end, then this is the prescription for you.

Note: Please be advised that this replacement will increase overall B+ (plate voltage) by 10-20%. If your filter caps are older than 20-25 years, we suggest you replace them before installing this solid state rectifier.