The trick here is knowing what the original tape actually sounded like. If there are tonal aberrations in the playback it will certainly affect how you hear things. If that's the only way you've ever heard a certain recording when you hear how it was meant to sound, it may well sound wrong to you.
Logical cartridge upgrade for a long time Shure M44-7 user
I've had a Technics SL-1200 MK3D turntable, with a Shure M44-7 cartridge forever.
I wanted to experience a different cartridge in my setup recently, and went for a NAGAOKA MP110. I took the time to set it up properly, and used it for 10 days for many hours a day. I couldn't believe how dark and quiet the NAGAOKA sounded, but more importantly it just wasn't extracting the details, especially in mid-highs. Vocals sounded veiled, muffled even. It wasn't a case of the cartridge sounding subtle or muted, it just couldn't reproduce some of the details I'm so familiar with M44-7.
For someone who enjoys the somewhat exaggerated top and low end of M44-7, (and again, I just perceive it to be much more detailed, because the cartridge seems to work so hard to get the most out of any record you put under it), what are some logical options for an upgraded sound? I wouldn't mind something more natural (I've had a GRADO GOLD, and that was OK), but I don't want to feel like I'm missing details just because I'm going for a rounder / warmer sound.
Rest of my system:
Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 speakers
Schiit Vidar Power amp
Schiit Saga+ Pre
A no-name custom built phono pre
Very interested to hear everyone's suggestions.
I wanted to experience a different cartridge in my setup recently, and went for a NAGAOKA MP110. I took the time to set it up properly, and used it for 10 days for many hours a day. I couldn't believe how dark and quiet the NAGAOKA sounded, but more importantly it just wasn't extracting the details, especially in mid-highs. Vocals sounded veiled, muffled even. It wasn't a case of the cartridge sounding subtle or muted, it just couldn't reproduce some of the details I'm so familiar with M44-7.
For someone who enjoys the somewhat exaggerated top and low end of M44-7, (and again, I just perceive it to be much more detailed, because the cartridge seems to work so hard to get the most out of any record you put under it), what are some logical options for an upgraded sound? I wouldn't mind something more natural (I've had a GRADO GOLD, and that was OK), but I don't want to feel like I'm missing details just because I'm going for a rounder / warmer sound.
Rest of my system:
Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 speakers
Schiit Vidar Power amp
Schiit Saga+ Pre
A no-name custom built phono pre
Very interested to hear everyone's suggestions.
Showing 2 responses by atmasphere
One reason the M44 is so bright is that the tonearm cable has a certain capacitance, and this is interacting with the rather high inductance of this cartridge to produce a high frequency peak that is quite audible! I doubt any cartridge with 5mV will be as bright. If that is what one has been listening to for years, they might regard it as normal, but it really isn't! For more information on how this works, take a look at this webpage: Its realistic to assume (without knowing otherwise) that the inductance of the cartridge is nearly double that of a cartridge with half the output. So drop '1000' into the calculator for the inductance value and you will see that the peak is centered around 11KHz! You might want to play a different cartridge (like the Grado Gold) for quite a while to get used to the more neutral presentation... |