Location of compoments.


I'm reading Jim Smith's book "Get Better Sound". He notes that, if possible, do not locate your audio rack between the speakers, better off to one side. I would guess over 50% of audiophiles have their equipment exactly where he says it should not be placed. Needless to say, I would need 20' long speaker cables to reach the farthest speaker. Not very cost-effective or practical. 

Any thoughts? Do most have their electronics between the speakers?



@mclinnguy The Who didn’t play in Vancouver in 82, their NW coast appearance was Seattle that year, then Vancouver in 89, I saw both concerts. 

(I lived on Vancouver Island from 71-92)

Mono Blocks on Mapleshade boards between and behind speakers, rack on the side...also try to keep rack and amps  not too close to wall, to keep away from all the wiring in the wall...

I’m the poor guy constrained to combined Stereo and AV with a TV and the “rack” between the speakers, which are 4ft from the wall.

I had a cover made for the TV - it helps with imaging for sure.

Good news is I’m moving and the AV system will be separate.

Bad news is, I’ve got a dedicated listening room but it opens to the main living area.  No clue how this will sound but new adventures await.


I stand corrected, yes it was ’89. I assumed it was the It’s hard tour, and looked up the album which came out in ’82.

According to this he did it on stage at that Tacoma show, I just remember his hand being bandaged up in Vancouver. And it was a Strat. laugh


Many thanks to all for your responses, 

Quick question? What brand of longer XLR balanced 

cables to purchase? Budget is around $1,500 for the pair.

Thanks again.