Listening to what we Like Instead of what we have to

Trying to find my way back to enjoying/feeling music and moving away from analyzing fine details, critical listening etc...

My pinnacle of enjoyment was probably with inexpensive JM Lab bookshelfs, an old Velodyne ULD-12 Sub, and an Audio Research D-60 amp with CD straight in, no pre amp. Currently I am selling my Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grands they never really made me happy. The mids lose it with complicated transitions and they are a touch dry and bright to me. Current amp is an Audio by Van Alstine 60 w SET control amplifier. It runs approximately 90 watts into 4 ohms. Source is a Bluesound Node. Cables are MIT Term. 2 interconnects, and Kimber 8 TC speaker. I listen at low to moderate levels. The room is wider than deep. 12 deep and 18 wide. I can sit about 9 feet away from the fronts of speakers with them about 30 inches out from the walls. I do listen to music a lot when I’m up and about though, I'd like/prefer it to sound good then as well.

I often have to listen to only the most well produced and best recordings of genres I only kind of like, to enjoy the music. I’m really sick of that.

My music of choice is mostly 80s pop/rock/some country and glam rock. With a bit of 70s and 90s mixed in.

I enjoy finding new current music too. Usually pop and rock as well.

Steve Winwood, Phil Collins, Lionel Richie, Eddie Money, Neil Diamond, Kiss, Madonna, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, AC/DC, Eric Clapton, Eric Carmen, 80s Billboard, Johnny Cash, Baltimora, get the point.

Detail is a good thing, like when you can hear Madonna say God echoing many times at the beginning of the long version of "Like A Prayer" or nice cymbal splash. Not too forward, or bright though. I have a decent REL sub so smaller speakers can work. I like a big soundstage and hearing things in recordings going on up, out and away from the speakers. Overly veiled is not preferable.

I could really use speaker advice or recommendations for under 3k. I’ll move backwards from new speakers through the rest of the system to make improvements if/when needed/ and can be afforded. Does any of this make sense? Thanks.


Many of you if your music is not sounding great ,or at least good your sourse and digital chain is the weak link i hav3 solved this a few years back by other members in part of the multi state Audio groups I go to ,many times just contacts for other Audio people having shoot outs or tips on their digital success. Which I hav3 learned a lot from , starting with your router- streamer combo. No one in this day and age should Ever have a separate modem ,router isf so much more added noise get rid of it . Any,all wall warts get them the heck out . Digital is not grounded

from house to house  wall warts create noise $3 piece of junk, I put in a LPS power supply from Linear Tube Audio ,$50 off for $700 on Audiogon. Best LPS under $1200 then judt put a ok power cord like a Pangea sig mk2 for 2 a major upgrade in fidelity ,I use hardwire,but even mu Roku stream more stable .

then your Ethernet cables at minimum from router $200 bare minimum ,end point much more important for a Better Ethernet cable . Then Ethernet hub 

I have a ok one not great a good one $3k  I paid $600 with decent ocxo clock,LPS power supply and regulators . LHY SW-8 also Pangea power cord not too much $$ 

but excellen5 value ,no power cords ever with Brass , it oxydizes black on to your AC  gold over copper . Putin quality AC outlets again pangea $99 high purity copper ,gold plated 3x better conductor = 3 x less resistance - noise ,Better then bright Brass .  Then your system will sound much better.

I also have 20 amp dedicated 4 wire  2 grounds 1 a common ground , the other a 

dedicated isolated ground to its own isolated buzz bar to ground outside 

a Big difference , if you are in a condo or apt  just follow above  at end point JCat ref Ethernet cable Excellent !

@mesch + 1 - Fritz speakers are a great buy and Fritz is a great fellow to deal with. I had a pair of Carrera BE's that were about $3K at that time....

I purchased NX-Oticas from GR Research. They come in a kit and you have to assemble them. But, the sound quality is Outstanding! I also purchased Double Trouble subs from Danny at GR. The entire ensemble was under $3k. Imaging, bass, clarity and just over-all sound quality is great! I power the Otica's with my McIntosh MA 12000 and the subs use their own plate amps. 

My room is roughly 15x 30 feet. The speakers are all open baffle. The music fills the room and can be loud or soft as you desire and because it is an open baffle system, it doesn't pressurize the room like conventional systems. This means you feel the bass but it somehow doesn't carry through the walls like normal subwoofers. 

I actually ran into a guy at the stereo store and to my surprise, he had the same speakers as I did. We both compared ours to some $50 k Sonus Fabers and both came to the conclusion that ours are equal to or a touch better. $$$ was of little concern to the other gentleman. I got to listen to his in his 2.5 million dollar house. 

So! Check out GR Research for speakers. Best bang for the buck out there! 


Thanks for the help everyone!

I will give Fritz a call.

Also, I'll try to find out where I can listen to Revival Atalante 3s.

I'dl ike to check out GRs upgrade kit for my speakers. Just can't find any feedback on how they sound. I emailed them and they never responded.

I'm in Northern Virginia so I'm sure I can find some places to audition. ( Not as many as there used to be😉)

Do Ethernet cables and optical cables make a huge difference?

Start with the speakers that are right for your room.  That is a good space.  You just need a speaker that doesn't need immense distance from the back wall.  I would also look for something with a better impedance than those Vienna Acoustics.  That was a hard speaker to drive. 

I would probably look at Harbeth or Spendor.  Both will tonally be what you are looking for and are designed to work better near a wall.  Anything rear ported might cause you issues and get boomy.  

Full disclosure, I am a dealer but have no relationship with wither Harbeth or Spendor.