Listening room ceiling type?

I'm in the planning stages of my listening room in my basement. The dimensions will be approximately 13' x 19' with the ceiling measured 7'7" from concrete floor to the bottom of the joists above. The joists are 2x10 with a finished length of just less than 9". It is my intension to fill the space between joists with Roxul mineral wool bats. These bats have a 3" thickness.

Should I stick three of the bats between each joist to fill the space or say two bats with an air space between the floor above and the first bat and again an air space between the first bat and the second with no third bat at all. The joist run perpindicular to the direction the speakers will be pointing.

Also, I have had a suggestion to us burlap to cover the ceiling but thought this might be to absorbtive. I've been considering a drop ceiling of 2'x2' panels (1st choice) and a fixed drywall ceiling (2nd choice if not 3rd after burlap). Any advise from some of you folks in the know would be much appreciated. Thanks, Tom.
I plan to use 3" batts of rock wool insulation in the joists. I am not sure if I should fill the whole 9" space with them or maybe use two batts for 6" and leave a little dead air space or have some space between each layer of batting.
has anybody done a drywall ceiling with a slope from front to back and if so how did this work out?