think flexible use:
In your case, I would plan on how to temporarily move a chair where you want it, just for listening when alone, then back to please the wifey! You get the advantage of a multi-functional space.
My Listening Room is the main room in our small house: one open space, dining/listening one end; living/video other end.
other end, spin the two chairs around
That end is the small 5.1 video system
Windows; daylight; fresh air spring and fall; art; plants. I have friends with dedicated listening rooms, for me they lack ’life’.
Prior home: same open setup; prior college days similar long open space (parlor floor in a brownstone, Brooklyn).
I listen with the wife, listened with my kids (gave them a proper musical education with music from the 60’s/70’s) they had their friends over, listened, our parties, the kids parties .... big annual picnic, lots of people moving thru the space.
In my case, I turn two chairs in the middle around, one direction for listening, other for conversation/video.
also, I have flexible alternate toe-in; speaker positioning; listening chairs positioning, I gain a lot of flexibility with my speakers on wheels.