Roger High Fidelity is overpriced even at his 50% off eBay prices, and the lifetime “transferable” warranty is a joke. Transferring the warranty requires sending the amp back for recertification which incurs a bench charge, which is fine, until he sells one of his amps to your buyer instead, which he did to me, twice.
@macg19 That is hideous behavior on their part - thanks for warning and bringing it to light! "Lifetime" warranties are only as good as the company offering them - which often isn't very good. I don't value a lifetime or transferrable warranty nearly as much as a company willing to reliably work on any of their products (especially if out of warranty or discontinued) for a reasonable charge. In fact, when I see a "lifetime" warranty being advertised, that just throws up red flags to me.
VAC and Rogue have proven to me they're great companies to work with.