List Of Small Company Tube Amps

I just love tube amps and I’m always wondering what small guy out there is making stellar amps under the radar.  I’m only talking somewhat affordable gear, definitely under 10k new. More like 2-5k is what I’m thinking. I’ll start the list but I’m sure there are a ton that I’ll miss.  Obviously feel free to express your preferences. Some of these might have international distribution but I feel they have a small enough presence in the US that they kind of count. 

Decware, may not count any longer but one of the originals

Aric Audio

La Dolce Audio

Tomcat Audio

Lab 12


Audio Hungary 

Space-tech Labs 

Musical Paradise 

Triode Labs



Analog Ethos

Brunoco Audio

Audio Mirror, getting pricey though. 






Showing 1 response by wsrrsw

@macg19 I had just the opposite experience with Rogers High Fidelity. I found Roger to be very nice to deal with. I called, worked out a deal and that’s was it.

Having tried several other intergraded AMPs the Rogers the KWM-88 keeps on keeping on. When their AMPs are on ebay bay a call will save 13% and sending a check another 2%. Web site even says to all. After several years the amp was upgraded to run KT-170’s. More info on these fora.

The lifetime warranty is for AMP’s purchased (new, demo or used) from Rogers. I don’t think lifetime warranty travels with AMP’s when re-sold.

With efficient speakers the Don Sachs/Lynn Olson Blackbird mono blocks made by Spatial Audio Lab have a waiting list for a good reason. They are 300B Amps.

Triode Lab

Lamm Industries (requires winning the lottery)

The Audion MkIII Monoblock

Jeffrey W Jackson

Oswalds Mill Audio (requires winning the lottery again)