Liquid Stylus Cleaners

I know that some of the cartridge makers, including Soundsmith, say not to use liquids and many of you don’t. From a manufacturer’s standpoint, I can definitely understand why - god only knows what some of us dopes (including myself) will be swabbing on there. I have used LP#9 after every side since 2005 when I returned to vinyl, and never had a problem. And I haven’t been surgically careful either. I do use a lighted magnifier to see what I’m doing, but I’ve brushed crap off the cantilever and never had anything migrate into the cartridge or experienced any of these horror stories I hear. So IMO at least, these warnings about liquids are somewhat exaggerated. Do you use them?



Showing 1 response by avanti1960

I have always used liquid occasionally- e.g. every two weeks or so, using the Audio-Technica stylus fluid.  Never had an issue with stylus / cantilever upwards of 1500 hours on cartridges.  

There are certain deposits that require the liquid to remove.  One brush and followed with the stylus cleaner brush.  

After every play I use the dry brush.