Linlai E 6sn7 tubes

I just placed an order for a pair of these for my Aric Audio Motherlode II.  I’ve been chatting with a fellow that runs the E 6sn7 in his Don Sachs pre. He loves them, He says they make his NOS tubes sound thin and lifeless.  
    It will be a couple weeks until I receive them,and I was curious if anyone out in Agon land has tried these,and what are your impressions?   
Thanks in advance,



@vthokie83 ​​​​​@invalid 

Helen is a righteous seller. She exchanged a defective tube no questions asked.

Great customer service too, tubes arrived yesterday in less than a week. Helen reached out to me today via email after she saw the package was delivered, to make sure everything arrived safely; and let me know to contact her if anything does not work well. Most US suppliers do not provide that kind of follow up

I have been running quad matched Psvane CV181-T MkII tubes in my Freya+ for a couple of months now, but having heard great things about the Linlai E-6SN7 tubes ordered a quad matched set of them as well to roll and compare. Well they came in yesterday and as soon as I got them up and running, I immediately noticed the difference. Although they’re still brand new with just a short burn-in so far, I am enjoying the punchier upper bass and the more natural vocal presentation. For those reasons alone I’m already preferring the Linlais over the Psvanes. Hoping to provide more feedback as these burn in some more, including a better comparison of air and imaging.


I never could figure out why they are called cv181 when the nos cv181 tubes have a different heater current than a 6sn7 tube.

@eddnog be patient with the Linlai E-6SN7’s.  I had a pair and they went through a lot of changes during the first 75-125 hours.  Bass and brightness was a moving target in my experience.  Once they settled in they were a very nice new stock tube.  I just preferred my NOS tubes for a warmer more engaging sound on my system.  They would be my go to tube if my favorite NOS  dry up or if prices rocket up.