Linear Power Supply Recommendations!

While I realize linear power supplies share the same basic principle—using a transformer to step down voltage, rectification to convert AC to DC, and regulation to maintain a steady output….there are several factors that ultimately differentiate their performance in a specific application. 

Did you find one particular LPS performed better than the others?  I am looking for a dual output 12V / 3A power supply to power my Telegartner Opt Bridge 1000M. 

Ferrum HYPSOS Dual Output with its ‘Sweet Spot Tuning’ has caught my attention. Any users out here that is currently using this LPS? 


Is this how a PS Audio power plant works plus the DC to AC conversion? I have a PP3 for my preamp  dac and steamer. 


PS Audio Powerplants only contribute to line pollution if anything. This fact has been verified by independent measurements. 


@lalitk - I just ordered two MCRU LPSs for my ifi Neo Stream and my Router. I ordered the base model for both the streamer and router. I only use the Neo Stream as a streamer (not the dac). Also, I’m using an ifi Power X on the streamer and the router so I’m very curious to find out how much of an improvement I will hear once I hook up the LPSs to both components. After I receive them and they break in I’ll let you know what I hear. 

keep searching for the sound. 

Teddy Pardo… i’m up to five and contemplating a 6th…. banish the wall warts ( smps ) and if you can’t do that get them on a power conditioner on opposite leg of delicate analog dedicated line….

@helomech Do you have a beef with PS Audio or are you genuinely unknowledgeable about the technology, perhaps repeating totaly insccurate posts form someone else with a beef?  

Don't repeat fake news.
