Line Stage Preamps that blew you away $2500 Edition

Passive, tubes, solid state, jewel encrusted moon rocks, whatever. 

tell us what line stages blew you Away in the $2500 ish price catagory.


Showing 6 responses by avanti1960

Rogue Audio RH-5 Tube Linestage / Headphone Amp.  $2.5K list. 

Stereophile Class A

Balanced design - the pricier RP-5 is not balanced. 

Adjustable gain. 

Superb headphone amp. 

2X 12AU7 tubes.

Clear, refined, open detailed with outstanding dynamics and sound stage.  



with the RH5 you have multiple options for sub out-

1 use high level speaker connections

2 use Y adaptors on the RCA outs

3 use the balanced out for amplifier connection, RCA for sub or vice versa.

4 use a female XLR to female RCA adaptor on the balanced out connections.  

if you like a transparent, neutral, refined dynamic sound this is the one.  should have kept mine.  

why so much love for the small time operator products?  sure they sound good but customer service and delivery can be a nightmare.  

For an excellent holographic, low noise 6SN7 preamp look at used Cary SLP 98.

tones and timbre are spooky real.

bulletproof design, excellent customer service department.  

Reiterating the superb value of the $2500 Rogue Audio RH-5 linestage / headphone amp.  An exceptionally clean, dynamic sound.

*Two 12AU7

*XLR input and output, a true balanced design. 

*Dual transformer Linear Power Supply.

*Stereophile Class A

*3-way adjustable gain. 

*Superb lifetime support from Rogue Audio.