Line Magnetic LM-845 Premium - How quiet is it?

I’m looking seriously at this beast to power Spatial X5. Is it pretty quiet? Any LM-845P users out there experiencing any issues with hum or other noise? With 97db speakers, even a little hum could bum, bigtime. Any other informed thoughts on this pairing are also welcome. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by 2psyop

I have a LM 216 integrated. It’s a bit old now but I really like it. About 5 years into owning it a transformer went bad. I took it to my dealer and he sent it to the distributor for repair. This was pre-covid and I had it back in 60 days. I am pretty sure the loaner I picked out was a 219ia. Once fixed the amp was fine for another 4 years and going strong. The only noise I have heard was a NOS GE tube that went bad. Replaced it with another pair of NOS tubes. Right now its pushing, ironically, Tekton Double Impact SE speakers beautifully.