Levinson 380S vs Boulder 810

Interested in thoughts here on the differences between these two preamps. I’ve been living with the 380S (paired w- Levinson 335) with no complaints whatsoever. That being said, the opportunity presents itself for me to obtain the Boulder 810. I’ve always wanted to try a piece of Boulder gear in my rig, (the 810 is perhaps the only piece of Boulder gear I’ll ever be able to afford). The question here being is the 810 a step up or sideways in relation to the 380S? Sidebar: my original plan was to eventually replace the 380S with a ARC Ref3.


I appreciate the responses. I’m a big fan of ARC tube gear (and tube gear in general) having owned the VT100 back in the day (love that amp) Unfortunately my current living situation cannot accommodate a tube rig. At best, a tube pre is possible as long as it’s not a space heater. The Ref3 has been on my list for awhile, they finally seem to be within my price point. My rig as best I can describe it, comes off on the slightly darker side of neutral. Quite enjoyable and non-fatiguing but it definitely would benefit from more musicality. I’m not looking for an end-game system at this point, I just enjoy experimenting with good eno-vintage gear.

Here's a slightly different take (than above).

Whiel I like ARC gar, especially their latest big monos, and their ref pre (whatever the number), I cannot -empirically - place them at the same resolution level as the big Boulder pre (2110). That said, I agree with @ghdprentice regarding the sonic similarities between ML & Boulder albeit, from what I've heard ML is slightly more strident up high than Boulder.

As far as resolution goes, Spectral pres have always sounded to me to reach a hgiher level than either ML or Boulder -- if you go for that sort of thing, that is.

My experience has been that Levinson and Boulder generally have similar sounds. To me too clinical… not very musical. I bought my first piece of Audio Research gear 40 years ago. Over the ensuing decades have acquired all ARC reference gear. My system is now incredibly musical and absolutely mesmerizing. So, it is a question of taste.

I would recommend listening to an all ARC system… which would either draw you or repulse you. I’m not sure where your first impulse was to head toward ARC. But I know my dealer says (he has been to the plant and sells Boulder) is that folks with a lot of money that want to put in a home recording studio come in and buy it… for it’s revealing, but not necessarily musical qualities. I find ML very similar. Very different worlds. You can see my system, I fall 100% in the ARC camp. You may really like the ML Boulder camp… in which case… I would go with Boulder.