Level the floor

We've just moved.  The audio playpen is the basement, which has an issue I haven't dealt with before: uneven floor.  Left-right is level, but front to back there's a steep slope.  At a distance of 18 inches, the slope is about one inch.

I figure others have dealt with this enough that there's "a way" (or an eternal argument...).  Educate me?

Available equipment would be fine; surprise uses of stuff would be terrific.



Showing 3 responses by erik_squires


Each issue has it’s own fix. Speakers often have adjustable speaker feet/spikes which can be used, as well as speaker stands with adjustable feet.


Again, trying to understand the problem. The only item which MUST be level is a turntable, and that is usually easily fixed.

Otherwise, so long as your floor is flat there's no real issue I can detect.

What is it exactly you need fixing??  The equipment rack? Speakers?  Turntable

With speakers, so long as the slope is consistent there's no issue.  The speakers will tilt down but so will your seat.

Having said this, it's worth noting many speakers sound better listening below the tweeter axis, and with less toe-in than pointing straight at your head so worth while listening before attempting permanent fixes.