Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?

Showing 6 responses by jl35

good thing it's essentially free to try for yourself, as you will get no agreement here...you can look up many old threads, they will be the same as this one...and yes, used power cords tend to hold their value a long time
there is a huge difference between not respecting science, and believing that science is not yet able to explain and measure with complete accuracy all sonic variables, and then perfectly correlate all these measurements with individual human hearing...
small fortune ??? I bought my first SR Master coupler for $125, sold it 10 years later for $125 !!!
I think most of us get poor quality power from the utility and/or have bad house wiring...
with gear that good I would think you would want to do your own double blind test with your own system. that's what I did...it was actually fun and didn't take very long, and improved my system for minimal cost...
Transparent makes some real good low cost power cords Thirsty,  and they hold their value very well. As you can gather from this thread, some find aftermarket cords sound good, some do not, and some refuse to try on theoretical grounds...since it costs nothing to try...