Legacy Audio Aeris vs "V"

I am curious if anyone has upgraded from the Aeris to the V. I have been considering it but I am also wondering how much of a difference there is between the two. The V requires another 2 channels of amplification so there is another expense on top of the speaker upgrade. I would welcome any opinions.


Showing 3 responses by steveindy


traction143    Thank you for your informative description as that type of feedback from an owner of both speakers is very informative. Since I posted this question I have moved to a lake house with a slightly larger room than I had before. I wanted to hear how the Aeris sounded here before more seriously considering upgrading. After trying different amps with these speakers, I ended up purchasing Pass Labs x260.8 mono blocks. The difference in sound was striking compared to the other amps and  are a great match for these speakers. I am thinking of taking a trip to Legacy in the near future to audition the V's and to compare them to the Aeris before making up my mind. 

I wanted to audition a Coda 16.0 amp but none were available for home audition and there is no dealer remotely near me. Actually I think your lower price statement is questionable. The PL 260's and the Coda 16.0 are priced similar with the Coda $3000.00 more.. The PL power rating is higher and are mono blocks vs. stereo for the Coda. The PL outputs 55W in class A at 4 ohm vs. 100w from the Coda. I think it boils down to preference. Preference for the top-down bi-polar of the Coda or the bottom-up of the PL mosfets. Pass sound vs. Coda sound. It is true though that one will pay more for the PL XA line but I think that is not a fair comparison. Maybe Coda should put a little money into marketing as I found their website abysmal at best. It also took me 3 tries to get a reply from them when inquiring about some details of the gear.  I'm sure I may have been very happy with a Coda amp but it seemed to be like pulling teeth. IMO....


Could you expand on that just a bit? I've heard that Aeris- HT Whisper-Music and V-music?


Yes, I am familiar with your reviews. The one on the V was quite long, detailed and informative. I mean that as a compliment. I have also read the review on TAS. Of course I did my due diligence on the Aeris before I bought them and I must say they are everything and more that I was expecting. At the same time, I feel they are a very much improved Focus speaker and was thinking that the V's would provide more of the musicality and sound stage that the Whispers are said to provide.
Thank you both for your feedback.....