Legacy Aeris owners which amp do you use and why?

These speakers are rated 95.4 dB and are 4 Ohm. Sitting 4 meters from speakers would mean I would need no more than 16 watts to listen at 95.4 dB(which is way more than my normal listening levels). 

Since the amp is not powering the bass section what amp would you choose and how many watts. Tube Class A vs Solid State class A ?. 20watts to 80watts?

Excited to hear how Aeris owners get the most out of their speakers. My room is 24 x 24 x 8.
Geek101 ...

Here’s the deal ... you don’t have to spend a fortune on an amp to get the best out of Legacy speakers. They seem to prefer tubes, by the way.

I have a pair of Legacy Signature III’s (94db) that I love. Presently driving them with an ARC REF-75se. The amp just coasts no matter the sound level.

Steve Fleschler (A’gon member) has a pair of the Sig III’s that he drives with a modified Dyna 70 (35 wpc) and it sounds glorious. Steve also has a pair of Legacy Focus speakers in his main listening room that is driven by a pair of modified mono Altec theater amps. Again, glorious.

Steve’s amps were built/modified by A’gon member Grover Huffman. Contact him for prices and availability and save yourself a ton of money.

Thought I’d chime in.  I have the aeris wavelet combo and use the pass labs xa30.5 to power them. I am very happy with the combo and rarely push the needle to where it switches from class a (first 30w)
@snoopy72 Wonderful. I should have taken previous advice from others on just starting with a good integrated. Glad you are enjoying Focus SE with Luxman. I am going to see through the Class D vs Class A/B vs SET thing after all.
As the Benchmark has a 30 day risk free guaranty I would give it a try and it should be more than enough power to push the top half of the Aeris. 
@jackd the speakers are 92 dB/1 W/1 M and stated impedance is 4 Ohm. I have no guarantee that they could dip a bit with respect to impedance. At this time the recommendation is to feed it 100 Watts of clean power when needed in my room and listening setting. And higher the watts the better.

I am on the hunt for 200 Watts of distortion free cost effective watts. Class D seems to do it, but no one like them that much specially for midrange and above only amplification.

From all my readings for super low distortion amp is Benchmark ABH2. It is more expensive than class D amps like ATI AT543NC, Nord etc. ATI and Nord also can easily put out 350+ Watts @ 4 Ohm at super low distortion but lot of people do not recommend them.

I am also considering Coda amps. But close to clipping some Coda amps put more distortion than Benchmark ABH2 last I checked. It depends though. I just do not want to get huge class A/B monoblock if speakers only need 100 to 200 watts of clean power. Again it is hard to find measurements for all Coda amps through the range of watts at all impedance levels.
@mckinneymike, thanks I did get myself a tube amp Line Magnetic 508ia here from Audiogon a demo version. It sounds great with my paradigm studio 40 v3. Sometimes I do see vu meter hitting 50% +. 

I got myself a new pair of speakers, Legacy Aeris and I preferably want to demo a bunch of amps over time at home over a couple of weeks for each amp and see which one I will like. 

I do like the tube amp I have but I am in the camp that good amps should sound the same as long as they drive the speaker the same and do get stressed. A tube amp that can put out 200 Watts @ 4 Ohm is not just not within my reach and not sure if it is worth the trouble, like heat etc. 

Direct to home amp manufactures are more generous in my opinion I have to pay for return shipping in most cases which I might just do.
And if his speakers are truly 95 db. KT-77's or KT-88's at 90 wpc would be more than enough plus run cooler. 
The topology of the stereo100 looks like a Cronus Magnum without the preamp.  I find the KT120 tubes to impart a bit of grain into the system.  
A tube amp that will give you the power you need at a price that may more comfortable to you is the Rogue ST-100.  100 wpc with the KT-120's and still 75 wpc if you drop down to KT-77's. Of course may not be "high end or expensive enough" for some.

That really makes me wonder if there is any future for brick and mortar if none are willing to allow a home demo to make a sale and cultivate a long term customer.
  I am a dyed in the wool tube guy myself.  I would look for a really nice tube setup used on Audiogon.  Great solid state is well above the point that I would be willing to spend and then I would still be a tube buyer.  Still have yet to hear the type of sound I prefer from any solid state gear.  
@mtrot, Thanks for the fantastic suggestion. Krell FPB-300cx and FPB-200c have a lot of class A power. Used ones are in the affordable range. Thanks again.
@mckinneymike, Usually a dealer deals with few vendors. And no one I have talked to is interested in loaning for testing.
@audiotroy, I have listened to Aeris at RMAF 2018 and bought them. They are on the way along with Wavelet. The reason I got them because of how good they sounded compared to others and I believe in good engineering.

Regarding loudness I play at 85 dB, typical listening levels for me. I understand that we need to account for 15 dB of SPL swing for dynamic music that brings it to no more than 100 dB maximum. I sit no more than 10 feet from the speakers. Give the above numbers I find the following from the calculator: Adjusting the speakers for 92 dB efficiency I see that I do not need more than 30 watts per channel to reach 100 dB of sound. 100 dB is too loud.

So I still do not understand why people are talking about 300 Watts of power. Is it because to get good first 30 watts the amps have to be rated 300 Watts?. I wonder if I missing something basic here. Why do we need zillions of watts?.

As I understand Aeris has bass powered internally so they should be more easier to drive with a decent amplifier.

I am going to try them out with the Line magnetic 508ia and may be A/B them with a class D amp that can put 500 Watt into 4 Ohm and see if I can perceive any difference. At this point I am skeptical I will notice any difference.

 What is the budget for a reasonably priced amp?

Is the Line Magnetic not doing it for you? 

As per spending $15k on a $15k speaker, the Aeris are $25k with a Wavelet and we have found on many occassions that good electronics may cost twice what the speakers cost. 

As per sensitivity, vs power, in principle it depends on how loud you are playing, we have found that even with speakers with self amplified bass like the Persona 9H which are 96db or the Aeris more power gets you cleaner with greater peaks when played at louder listening levels. 

and in reality the Aeris are 92db the spec of 95db is measured based on an elevated voltage, and yes 92db is still pretty efficient.

If you want a very cool terrific amplifier for a great price the Synthesis A100t is a 100 watt push pull KT 66 tube integrated which actually has a terrific built in dac for $7,500.00 an absolutetly killer integrated.

The Synthesis will have much greater kick then the SET line magnetic.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I would suggest finding a stocking dealer and try out amplifiers in your home with the Aeris.  Otherwise its really not something that anyone can suggest that will satisfy your ears, system and room.  
Post removed 
@ geek101
FWIW, my Krell FPB 400cx sounds just fantastic with my old Legacy Audio Signature II speakers.  The FPB series date back to around 2002, but if in good condition sound great.  The 400cx is rated at 400 wpc into 8 ohms, but as you surmise, that may be way more power than needed for the Aeris.  I have seen 400cx listed for ~$4,800.  But Krell also made lower wattage versions of the FPB amps.  I think there was a FPB 200 and FPB 300.  These are now selling for a couple thousand dollars.  These are class A amps!   Some of them have only XLR inputs, so you'll have to investigate.
@audiotroy Thanks but I have cost constraints. I would like to refer to this: https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2012/04/03/speaker-sensitivity-dynamic-range-and-amplifier-output/

Seems like sitting at 3 meters all I need is 12wpc for 94 db efficient speakers but not sure about them being 4 ohm or 8 ohm. 

I just cannot buy $15k amp for $15k speaker, specially when the speaker has active amplification for lower frequencies.

I am considering some class A SS amps that can do 100 watts if I really need more than 50 watts, I currently have Line magnetic 508ia that does 48 watts per channel (SET tube class A). The line magnetic sound great with my Paradigm studio v40 which are 92 dB @ 8 ohm sitting at 3 meters

What are your recommendations for a reasonable priced amp?.

We are a displaying Legacy dealer and we have had a few amplifiers on our Aeris,  

The Aeris/Wavelet combo with a great amplfier and streaming source makes one fantastic package that challenges way more expensive setups.

We tried the 100 watt Manley Snappers and they were good, we tried the Electcompaniet AW 400 perfered the tubes and the best was a set of 375 watt CJ Monoblocks. 

We are entertaining  replacing the older CJ Art amplifiers with either the $26k Raven Audio Monoblocks or the $19k Zesto Monoblocks as we have had the older ART ampliifer for quite  a while and are looking at playig with something new. 

The legacy's do seem to like power even though they are efficeint, the better the amp the better they sound.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

I heard that but don't listening levels matter?. I mean if they say 500w max that does not mean we will need 500w for normal listening at 4 feet do we?. Also the amp does not need to power lower frequencies.

From what I have heard, the more power and high current, the better for Legacy speakers