LED dimmable lights in audio room?

I am getting ready to redo my audio room/home office.

I am going to redo the ceiling tiles in here and want to wire up some dimmable LED lights (the "can"-type ones).

I would also like to put them on a dimmer. 

Any electromagnetic interference/distortion/static types of issues that you could foresee doing that?

Just wondered if anyone has done this before.

Thanks in advance.


Showing 2 responses by sns

I've used leds with both dimmers and sound activation. None of the buzzing, humming I get with dimmers and incandescent bulbs. There will be rfi emanating from transformer/power supply, move it away from sensitive audio equipment. I often take measurements with my Trifield meter, certainly many pockets of rfi, some comes from audio components. I see quite a bit from linear power supplies. As Carbonmiller stated, you'll never be rid of rfi.
Sometimes I listen in total darkness, have black out shades on windows. Other times I use various LED light shows (consumer editions of professional light show equipment) in concert with blacked out room, I also have turntable led light, none have created any noise through system. Place your transformers in proper place, shouldn't have any problem.