Leaving tube amps on.

This is a question I had for a long time. I know it’s not a good idea to leave tube amps on all the time because of tube life and safety reasons. But sometimes I don’t have the opportunity to listen to my system / music for hours at time at one sitting. Sometimes I can only listen to it 45 min - a few hours at a time during the day / night. So my question is would it be better to leave the amps on all day / evening and listen when I can or turn them on / off every time I listen even if is only  45 min at a clip. But to just clarify when I don’t intend to listen that day/ night they will be off. Does turning the amps on / off throughout the day / night do more harm than leaving them on ? Tube life , wear and tear on amps etc. btw I have the Audio Research Ref 750s. Ea amp has 18 KT150 , 6550WE , 6H30.  

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

If high power tube amplifiers are as hazardous as outlined in several post above, then how come they are not banned in the state of California?

Worrying about tube seems a little strange.  You knowingly purchased and expensive amplifier with a large number of tubes.  Do people who buy exotic Italian supercars worry about the cost of an oil change?

Not to derail this topic but I've been thinking of getting a tube preamp. Is there ANY safety concerns leaving them on 24/7 especially the models with tube rectifiers?

Don Sachs had addressed this subject, some time ago. If I remember correctly, he had suggested that it is good to turn the tube gear off, when not listening.

I was first introduced to Valve Equipment in the early/mid' 90's and was quick to move over to the schematics using Valves in place of Transistors and Semi Conductors.

I had my first Valve Amp' Pre and Power commission built, and the EE who at this time had a good few years of working with Valves to produce Audio and Studio Equipment gave me as a newbie a clear warning.

Valve Equipment is not a Turn On and Forget device.

Valves in use need monitoring during use and after Power Off.

I have kept to my side of the Bargain for the best part of 30 Years and see no need to make a change. The same EE remains a friend and has produced further Power Amp commission builds for me. 

Red Plate is common on a Output Valve and is a result of incorrect Bias, where increased Voltage is enabled.

Everything in Valve Talk is about reliability, maintained Bias is extremely important.    

@pindac Thank you for clarity on Red plate. I was just gonna ask how important tube bias is and what can happen if not biased.