Learning about crossovers helped convert me from atheist to a believer in God

Let’s see if this one survives.    

I have been an atheist for 50 years.  Recently I became a believer.  One factor that helped tip the scales is the “fine tuned universe” argument - the idea that the physics constants, e.g. the mass of an electron, are so finely “selected” that if they weren’t very close to what they are, life wouldn’t exist.  This is an argument for a creator.  The best counter argument seems to be that there are an infinite number of universes and we got lucky.  

When I got into audio, and started learning about crossovers, I was ASTOUNDED at how well the pieces fit together.  Octaves are exact doubles of frequency.  3dB describes so many seemingly unrelated phenomena.  But the one that really got me was the magic of capacitors and inductors.  They share no parts, other than wires sticking out at each end (usually), one acts due to voltage, one acts due to electromagnetism, one resists AC, one resists DC.  And yet, somehow, they are mirror images of each other, using almost exactly the same equations, behaving perfectly orthogonal to each other, even to the extent of how powerfully they perform their function (3dB again).  How is this possible?  Could this have happened due to random chance?  I smell a creator.  


Why do some people feel they need to police discussions? If it doesn’t interest, you just don’t read it. Personally, I think this is one of the best threads in recent audio gone history. If you think it’s off-topic, then you must also think that music is not universal.

There is lots of erudition here, kudos to all of the contributors!

And I thought the merits power cords was tedious. Seriously, why is this discussion on this forum?

These discussions have titles.  The purpose of these titles, in part, is to guide you in selecting which discussions you should invest in.  When you see a title that promises to be tedious, but you then decide to read through it anyway, confirm that it was, in fact, tedious, and then post to the participants no contribution other than your finding that you found it tedious, that seems like a very ineffective use of time.  

All of what you said ring true and is right for me...

But just let do not forgot what is free will and a free act...

It is an act of thinking motivated by a higher motives way over torture and thirst...

This higher motive , uncondional love , as the maternal instinct is an image for, is precisely what set us free... But we must THINK and IMAGINE this higher value and motive FIRST to begin with...

Here if we think about was is thinking , it is an act where the produced content, the thought , is completely mine as his creator... Think about beauty, goodness, Truth and musical perceived meaning which we participate from for example... In thinking we are ABSOLUTELY FREE....We create a content of thought and we perceive it as created...

In this thought creation there is an horizontal process from me to my thought content.. But there is also a vertical moment out of time, an inspiration , an intuition , an act of will deeply connected to our past life and future life OUT OF TIME...

We can observe this in the mathematical process of thinking itself..

We can observe it among the great mystic thoughts of Christian pseudo-Dyonisos or in Rumi or Suhrawardi or in Raimon Lulle the mystic who is the creator of cybernetics ( said Weiner) in Ramakrishna , or in the advaita vedanta , in Christ as in Buddha ...

We are free... But think about that , this means we are responsible of everything, and everything concern us... Who want to face this ? The source create us free as it is, but we dont want this gift... 😊 We humans we look for excuse we dont want what we have : absolute freedom...

We become aware of consciousness in each thought creation by us each moment, but we refuse to see it...Then we awake a micro second just the time to go back in deep sleep...

A genius is only someone very attentive to the phenomena and to his thought process and to nothing else... They tought all the same at the end .... Aristotle , Archimedes, Leonardo Da Vinci, or Goethe, i can pick these four and reduce all their thinking to the same method mastering the creation of concepts to match the phenomena succession EXACTLY (Goethe call it exact imagination by the way ) .... These four are almost the same mind... I cannot demonstrate it here by lack of space... But think about them and what they have in common ...

What the OP thought about is very deep... People who mock him simply dont understand at all what he allude to... Those  who understand a bit of science and dont understand the OP must listen this deep master class : "the music of shapes" by Alain Connes Youtube ...


It is very long and difficult but after that "illumination " is certain... 😊 Anyway it proves why the OP is right in his intuition but at the highest level of maths and physics...


First because we were created free ... Then the world resemble what our free acts make it so...

Hmmm. . . I find this a bit more complicated.

We are simultaneously "free" and "not free", no? As Consciousness, we are free. As incarnated humans, we are bound not only by maya and the fact that our memories of past incarnations are wiped clean each time we reincarnate but also by the culture and times/Yuga into which we are born. So, the "freedom" of Consciousness is only "real" if we are aware of it. Otherwise, it might as well not exist. Indeed, without awareness of Consciousness, this is exactly how we behave --as if Consciousness does not exist. Furthermore, we can be aware of Consciousness and still make choices that are based upon habitual identification with the body, ego, etc.

As humans, temporarily identified with our bodies, sense impressions and thoughts, we are given lots of room to stumble around within the boundaries imposed by our our limitations ("enough rope to hang ourselves"). As I see it, this "freedom to act ignorantly" seems more accurately described as bondage.

Are we "free" to become aware of consciousness? I’m not sure. Is someone who has not engaged in spiritual practice in previous incarnations and who is born into circumstances that do not nurture/support such exploration, "free" to discover Consciousness? Perhaps only an avatar can such a question.

Your thoughts?

@mahgister Your erudition on this topic as others is impressive, yet (as ever) incondensable to a cogent argument for or against any particular proposition. Please try this one: why should the wildest of all conceivable explanations -- a supernatural cause, something outside nature, hence unknowable to natural beings -- ever arise to a level of probability worthy of mention by homo logicus contemporaneous? Surely the line connecting the harmonic sequence to "god" is anything but a straight one.